Average cost per visit (with prompt pay discount):
First visit (with treatment, possibly x-rays): $115-$350*
Average minimum to start atlas orthogonal (including x-rays): $225-$260
Follow-up visits: $50-$110*
Average follow-up cost: $70-$80
*Please be aware prices are based on time, services provided, and complexity of the condition, so your actual price can vary
While currently our prices are still well under the market rate for similar upper cervical / atlas orthogonal specialists, and we tend to do a lot on each visit, we want to make sure some level of care is available for everyone in need. If you are still concerned you will not be able to afford care, with proof of financial hardship you may be eligible for further discount.
Dr. Spurgeon is a credentialed provider with the following insurance providers:
Blue Cross Blue Shield
* **Medicare
*Medicare does not cover some of the services provided, so there may be an additional charge at each visit, including an exam fee (see self-pay rates above)
**If Medicare is not your primary insurance, we must be in network with your primary insurance to be considered for in-network benefits
Please be aware while we can help you understand your estimated costs with insurance, it is ultimately your responsibility to understand your coverage.
First visit (with treatment, possibly x-rays): $115-$350*
Average minimum to start atlas orthogonal (including x-rays): $225-$260
Follow-up visits: $50-$110*
Average follow-up cost: $70-$80
*Please be aware prices are based on time, services provided, and complexity of the condition, so your actual price can vary
While currently our prices are still well under the market rate for similar upper cervical / atlas orthogonal specialists, and we tend to do a lot on each visit, we want to make sure some level of care is available for everyone in need. If you are still concerned you will not be able to afford care, with proof of financial hardship you may be eligible for further discount.
Dr. Spurgeon is a credentialed provider with the following insurance providers:
Blue Cross Blue Shield
* **Medicare
*Medicare does not cover some of the services provided, so there may be an additional charge at each visit, including an exam fee (see self-pay rates above)
**If Medicare is not your primary insurance, we must be in network with your primary insurance to be considered for in-network benefits
Please be aware while we can help you understand your estimated costs with insurance, it is ultimately your responsibility to understand your coverage.