Upper-Cervical-Trained Doctor
There are less than three hundred Board Certified atlas orthogonal doctors in the world. Dr. Spurgeon was has spent countless hours learning about the specific anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of the upper cervical (neck) spine. Training came from the founder of the technique himself. Whether you are being treated via atlas orthogonal technique or not, this knowledge will be applied to your treatment regardless. Also it's worth mentioning that upper cervical corrections tend to last much longer than traditional adjustments, often holding for several months. Gentle/Low-Force Techniques Available If you are tired of the higher-force adjustments or they simply aren't getting you the same results, you may be looking for a more gentle approach. While higher-force techniques are sometimes considered necessary, we often find that instrument-assisted adjustment combined with specific muscle therapy can yield more effective and longer lasting results for many people. Many Techniques While our goal is to provide the most results with the lowest amount of force, there are times other techniques are required. Fortunately your doctor is a self-professed "technique junkie". In practice he utilizes Atlas Orthogonal, Activator, Diversified, Gonstead, Lumbar Flexion/Distraction, Sacro-Occipital (SOT), Thompson Drop, and soft-tissue techniques (similar to Active Release Technique). |